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    Albuterol (2-4 x)
    Hypertonic (2x)
    Pulmozyme (1x)
    Glutathione Inhaled (2x)
    Advair (2x)
    Prevacid (2X)
    Ursodial (2x)
    Glutathione oral (3x)
    L-Arginine (1x)
    Acidophilus (3x)
    Vitamin (2x)
    Periactin (2x)
    vitamin d3 (1x)
    Cal/Magnesium blend (1x)
    ADEK (1x M,W,F)
    Creon 12 (6 with meals and snacks)
    Vest (2-3x) 30 minutes
    Percussion (30 minutes)
    alpha lipoid acid (1x)
    singulair (1x)
    fish oil (1x)
    nasonex (1x)
    zyrtec (1x)
    azithromyicin (M, W, F)

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Last night my sister called and said that she was headed to the emergency care because she has been experience some pain for several days and it had gotten really bad.  They naturally sent her to the actual emergency where I met her.  After the initial tests, they determined that she likely needed to see a liver specialist and the best one is at UNMC (Nebraska Medical now).  They were going to take her by ambulance, but deemed her in major pain, but stable enough for me to take her if she could handle it.  So I did.

Driving up the the hospital brought a flood of memories and emotions for both of us.  She said she was scared because of what had happened to mom at this same hospital with all of the complications that basically lead to death.  I was thinking the same thing…but tried to remind her that God is ALWAYS in control.  But my heart sank, too as I drove up to the front door.  And even more so as we went up to the same exact floor that mom was on for so many months.  Not to mention the absolute pit knowing that because of CF that this could be certainly be a norm in our families life someday too. Deep, deep, and painful realities!  Of course, quickly pushed to the very back recesses of my mind where it must stay as we figure out this next battle before my sister.  (*Update, the liver seems to be fine, but looking at some other big issues today, will write more when I know for sure what we are dealing with.)

So, would you please pray for my sister? Not totally sure what is going on yet today.  Several specialists are begin called in this morning as it seems to be pretty serious issue, just not sure where yet. IMG_8771  She is my only immediate relative left. =(  Hard!  And, sad to watch her in so much pain. I know that God is able and that He is good.  I also know that sometimes He does things that cause us to really rely on Him.  Another opportunity before us.  Praise Him through the tears!

3 Responses

  1. Praise Him through the tears…well said. We will pray for Kim and your family.

  2. Sending lot of prayers and hugs your way.

  3. Praying for you all – may God’s hand be very evident as He carries you both through this.

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